Sunday, May 8, 2011

ActionScript 3 and Flex 4.5 optimization

Recently I'm spending a lot of time optimizing my face recognition library in ActionScript 3.
Since I've started my adventure with AS couple of years ago FlashPlayer's performance increased a lot, but still it is not enough for calculation intensive tasks. There is also a good news. Many performance issues can by fixed with source code optimizations. Without further ado here are some of my AS3 optimization tips.

  1. Use Vectors instead of Arrays if possible.
  2. If you know length of Vector before you create one in code pass it to Vector constructor.
  3. If you know that length of Vector will be constant then pass true to Vector constructor as second argument making it fixed vector.
  4. When you loop through Vector elements use variable of uint type. It is faster than int in FlashPlayer 10.2.
  5. When you want acces Vector element like that for example vector[i+1] change it to vector[uint(i+1)].
  6. If it is possible try to do as small number of operations using 2D Vectors by which I mean Vectors accessible like that vector[i][j] they are at least 2x slower then 1D vectors. If for example you are looping through 2D vector then good practice is to assign every vector[i] to local variable and than access value for every "j". By doing that you should see at least 50% performance increase in data access from 2D Vector.
  7. When incrementing value use ++i instead of i++ wherever possible.
  8. Remove all nonessential code from loops.
  9. When operating on uint or int variables whenever possible use bit operators for example instead i*4 use i<<2. More info about bitwise operators.
  10. When you loop through vector elements don't use vector.length in loop condition instead assign this value to local uint variable and use it instead.
  11. When using && or || operators don't mix types like that Number && int or uint || int. Instead if possible use that same type like that int && int or uint || uint it is up to 3,5x faster.
  12. Using nested if statements is faster than using && operators in single if statement.
  13. Assigning variable of type Number to variable of type int or uint is 2x slower than assignments of int to int or uint to uint or even uint to int.
  14. When creating empty Array don't do this like that var arr:Array = new Array() instead do it like that var arr:Array = [] it's faster.
  15. Using switch is about 15% slower on Windows XP and 10% slower on Mac OS X than if else statements. Beware of switches in performance-critical code!

    I hope those tips will help you with you optimizations.

Thursday, May 5, 2011